Alyson Talante

Alyson Talante

I am a full-stack web developer with a passion for groundbreaking web development.


I am a full stack developer who works with Javascript and its associated frameworks and technologies to create smooth user experiences, as well as efficient and secure back-end infrastructure. In addition to proficiency in the fundamental web technologies of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, I am also proficient and experienced in deploying projects with React, Next, Node, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS.

Tech Stack At a Glance:


NPTE Rankings

A full-stack project to display the current rankings for collegiate debate teams competing in the NPTE format.

The application includes a basic front-end to display points for competitors and coaches, as well as data visualization with Chart.js. It features pagination and dynamic routing for each team. The app also features a data-entry front-end that allows NPTE staff to enter data provided from debate tournament directors. The back-end uses a REST API to perform basic CRUD operations and interface with a MongoDB database.

Stack: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Chart.js

Debate Video

A project developed to enable students and coaches competing in NPDA debate to centralize round recordings.

The site incorporates the Youtube API as well as a custom REST API used for CRUD operations. On the back-end, the API has custom query functions written using Mongoose to allow the user to query a MongoDb database associated with the app. On the front-end, dynamic routing is used to create invididual video pages.

Stack: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDb

Sckt Chat

A personal project that uses React and a basic Express server to offer simple websocket-based live chats.

This application uses to create an event-driven Express server and uses React hooks to render messages on the front end. It also supports the ceration of individual chat rooms which users can join or create upon login.

Stack: React, Node, Express,


A full-stack React app that enables players of Magic The Gathering to construct custom decks, save them to their profiles, and share decks with friends.

This application uses React for the front-end and incorporates a 3rd-party API to fetch card data. It also features a custom REST API written in Node.js and connected to a MongoDB database. Querying is handled using Mongoose. The project integrates password hashing as well as JWT authentication.

Stack: React, Node, Express, MongoDB


If you are looking to get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

© Alyson Talante - 2021